• 1-877-404-LOCK
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Our Customers

Who uses Closet Space Storage?

You have your own unique reasons why some extra square feet of storage would make a big difference in your life. Find out what Closet Space Storage has to offer you!

  • Many live or work nearby, and find it convenient to store their stuff where they can readily access it.
  • People overwhelmed with clutter in their homes bring it to us until they can find time to sort it out and deal with it.
  • Many tenants store out-of-season items, holiday decorations, baby items between babies, a few extraneous pieces of furniture crowding their homes.
  • A lot of our folks have a family member in crisis. They're putting Mom in a nursing home, a relative passed away, they're executors of an estate. They need to store valuable items from a lifetime until things settle down.
  • College students use our facility to cover the gap between their old and their new leases.
  • A young woman is storing her apartment's worth of stuff while she works in another state for a year.
  • A sorority rents from us, a business stores extra supplies, a university department eases their space crunch, a director stores costumes and sets.
  • We've had people needing space immediately, as their lives entered a period of crisis and they had to move fast.